Black, Purple, White, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Orange candles for rituals and spells. Each color corresponds to specific magical properties and has a different purpose. Once the candle is lit the magic is released into the atmosphere while being used. Once the candle is extinguished the magic is then ended. We recommend leaving the candle lit as long as possible because then the magic has more time to manifest. Candle magic is a very old and powerful type of magic. It harnesses the power of fire to bring about change. Candle magic requires you to be very specific and realistic in your goals and if you can do this you can go a long way with your magic.
White candles are good for purification of spaces and also work really well for protection spells and rituals. Lack of energy and life force are removed from spaces when the white candles are lit. The white candle also acts as an extra oomph for magic when it's lit and can help amplify spells to be more powerful than they normally would have been without it. White candles are also great for balance and adding it into your magic.
Black candles are good for removing negative energy from a space. It is said that it absorbs all negative energy from a space. Black candles are also great for removing and curing illnesses. Black candles are also good for magic and protection because if somebody has cast any negative magic on you the candle absorbs it and sends it back to the person. It repels the negativity out of spaces and is great for use on your altar and in other spells.
Purple Candles are incredibly wonderful and magical candles. The color signifies some of the highest magic that can be done. It is associated with healing, power, meditation, and other forms of magic. Purple can be used to awaken spiritual powers within one's self. So if you're practicing with opening your third eye or intuitiveness purple might be a good way to go.
Red candles typically have to deal with love and sexual energy. Red candles are also good for power and adding power into a ritual. If you need some candle help with getting rid of fear we recommend lighting a red candle to help you find your inner power. As stated earlier red candles are also helpful in love spells and rituals so if that's what you need done, get a red candle!
Yellow Candles are good for learning and confidence! They are also great for protection when traveling or somebody you know is traveling. Yellow candles can help improve self esteem so if you need some help in that department then the yellow candle is definitely for you. Yellow also symbolizes joy and the sun! So if you need to petition Apollo a yellow candle would be the best way for you to do so. Yellow is also good for clairvoyance so if you're enhancing your abilities, definitely use a yellow candle.
Blue candles are great for healing the sick and inner peace. When wanting to do a health ritual or candle magic then you should use a blue candle for maximum results! Blue candles are also good for strengthening protection and making sure that loved ones are taken care of. Blue candles are also good for establishing peace and harmony within the home space. You can also use a blue candle to evoke dreams for you to speak with the divine. Blue candles are a wealth of help for so many things and especially powerful to have in your toolbox.
Orange Candles are great for energy and joy as well. This color also is good for health spells and maintaining good health. Also when an object is lost orange candles can be used and lit as a petition to help you find what you've been missing. Orange is also great for helping to balance out your chakras and good for meditation practices. So if you enjoy doing yoga by candlelight orange may be an ideal color for you to meditate with!
Green candles are perfect to use for wealth and prosperity rituals. Oftentimes the green refers to money and money issues. They also relate to success and using them can help you increase the likelihood of a successful business venture! Green is also good for abundance and new opportunities so light a green candle if you are looking for any of these things. Green is also great for fertility issues so if you or somebody you know is experiencing issues, maybe a green candle will be able to help.